This is Planet Studios, Coventry UK, where east meets west, and where for over 30 years we’ve been lucky enough to work with the very best Asian singers, producers, djs and bands.
We stumbled into the world of Indian music shortly after opening the studio in Dec 88. Our work on an album called ‘Hit The Deck” by Johnny Zee, and its worldwide success, brought us to the attention of the entire Indian music scene. They loved the bass heavy sound and how much of a western feel it had, and it led to many many A-list Asian international artists heading our way. Bally Sagoo, B21, Jazzy B, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Diljit Dosanjh to name just a few. And that’s how its continued to this day for Planet Studios, onwards and upwards, helping Asian music reach more and more people across the globe.