Amarjit Sidhu was one of the original UK based Punjabi music producers. He was drawn to Planet Studios as soon as he heard the Johnny Zee album “Hit The Deck”. He soon established a top notch production team, combining with keyboard and guitar maestro Paul Civil to great effect on a series of big hit albums throughout the nineties.
Amarjit also created his own label,Kamlee Records,so he could have complete artistic freedom and avoid any unwanted record company interference. He was also able to enlist the services of The Special’s Neville Staple and Stereo Nation’s DJ Kendell and many other collaborators as they could see that Amarjit would be giving them exposure to a massive new audience.
Amarjit and Paul’s Kamlee and Jam to the Bhangra series of albums achieved great success around the world,and many top awards in the process.